Start des Forschungsprojektes TRANSLATE in Kooperation mit der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und ‐prüfung (BAM). Weitere Informationen unter Project Grants > National
2020 ‐ February
The "Network for Pharma Solutions" (NetPhaSol) starts campaign for networking and cooperation
NetPhaSol, the nationwide network of 30 companies and 20 research institutions covering the entire value chain in drug discovery and development, is launching its campaign for networking and cooperation.
Are you looking for qualified partner for your project? Are you looking for special expertise for a technological solution? Then NetPhaSol is the right partner for you. Access to the network is very simple. Apply with a brief description of your project or request here and we will contact you immediately.
Visit our Data Gallery and find new exciting application examples of our Viscover imaging agents such as the investigation of disease‐related changes in organ size, in vivo µ-CT of the myocardium, or angiogenesis in mice.